Humanitarian Aid & Emergency Response

In times of crisis, timely and efficient delivery of humanitarian aid is essential.

MMIST offers a full slate of services to help our customers optimize humanitarian aid efforts – from full, turnkey humanitarian aid mission execution to consulting and training services.

We take pride in our extensive experience and expertise in the field of aerial delivery – having executed and supported numerous humanitarian aid efforts, including an extensive airdrop campaign to delivery over 15 million pounds of rice, beans, bulgur and cooking oil in Syria from April 2016 to August 2017.

Humanitarian aid and disaster relief organizations often face challenges in delivering aid to densely populated areas that are inaccessible by traditional methods. At MMIST, we strive to significantly reduce the cost and increase the accuracy of aerial delivery by an order of magnitude. Our dedicated team of engineers and riggers are committed to innovation, incorporating the latest advancements in aerodynamics, navigation, and materials to enable relief organizations to reach previously unreachable populations in need.

Full Suite of Support Services

  • Aerial Delivery Systems: MMIST provides state-of-the-art aerial delivery systems designed for precise and efficient airdrops. Our systems are capable of handling various types of cargo, ensuring that supplies are delivered intact and safely to designated drop zones.
  • Training and Expertise: Our team of experts offers training for personnel and local operators in the deployment and management of aerial delivery systems. This includes cargo parachute load building, mission planning, and executing airdrop operations in challenging conditions.
  • Logistics and Coordination: MMIST is well experienced in logistical planning and coordination of humanitarian aid aerial delivery missions. We collaborate closely with our customers to assess the needs, plan flight paths, and ensure each airdrop is executed with maximum efficiency and minimal risk.
  • Load Building and Rigging: MMIST offers comprehensive training and consulting services to enable customers to properly build and rig parachute loads for humanitarian aid drops – including onsite, hands-on support to ensure local riggers are working to the latest techniques and safety standards.
  • Mission Planning: Effective mission planning is vital to the success of any humanitarian aid operation.  MMIST offers specialized training and consulting services that focus on the complexities of mission planning, helping our customers leverage the latest technologies and procedures, and ensuring efficient, safe airdrop campaigns.

Partnership with the World Food Programme

MMIST is proud to have collaborated with the World Food Programme (WFP), using our expertise in aerial delivery to deliver essential humanitarian aid into Syria from April 2016 to August 2017.

Based out of Jordan, MMIST supported an airdrop mission consisting of 309 sorties, with 26 parachute loads per sortie, to deliver critical aid and food supplies to inaccessible and conflict-affected areas in Syria. Through this collaboration, MMIST helped deliver thousands of tons of humanitarian aid to communities in need. Our work with the WFP made a significant difference, providing life-saving support to the most vulnerable. This partnership is a testament to our commitment to leveraging advanced technology and expertise to support those in desperate need.

In 2024, MMIST once again assisted the WFP and the Jordanian Airforce in delivering food aid into Gaza. MMIST remains dedicated to supporting humanitarian efforts worldwide, and we continue to strive for excellence in every mission – ensuring that help reaches those who need it most, no matter the challenges.

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